Sunday, 1 January 2012

Moving onto modern Tragedy--and making things

As you know, we are starting work on All My Sons by Arthur Miller this term. You should all have a copy of the play, and have read it through once already. 

If you would like to watch it, there is a black-and-white film version on the school video streaming, though it does not always stick very close to the script of the original play. It is still worth watching, and a useful task for a study period.

For your first lesson back, on 3rd January, I would like you to look closely at the opening stage directions of the play, and the description of the set. Then go to and read through the prompt questions there, going through them and making notes as suggested on the set and its significance.

For next lesson (January 9th), I would like you to create a three-dimensional model of this set, based closely on the stage directions, large enough for playmobil people to act in (a shoebox is ideal). There will be R3s and other tangible rewards for the best versions. I'm giving you plenty of notice so that you don't throw out all that useful Christmas packaging!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dr McCarthy, can you please put up another picture of the set that you want us to base the model on, as the picture does not come up. Thank you!
